Our success as a company depends on meeting all the total  needs of our customers.
 Instead of just introducing a good product and marketing  it, We make the effort to learn        what our customers require from Eastel, and then to  deliver based on those standards.
 EASTEL works more closely with customers to understand,  anticipate and respond to their needs and expectations, both present and future.
 EASTEL believes it is essential for us as an organization  to be guided by the Voice of the customer.
 Competitive pricing reflecting the value of products,  quality, on-time delivery and partnerships are important customer needs that we have identified.
 We will continue to monitor Voice of customer regularly  and respond accordingly.
 EASTEL wants to be recognized  as a  leader in smart phone industry and related terminal market and  to be respected as a competitive and valued partner.
Our commitment to serving our customers is essential to  achieve this goal.


Customer requirements and expectations are the focus of  all our activities.        

  • Development of our people, as individuals and as a team, is  essential for our success.
 Improving our product, processes and services is a  continuous initiative..

C O M P A N Y   H I S T O R Y  

·    1999

Eastel foundation
Contract with Wolfson microelectronics  in UK

·    2001

Contract with Sychip in USA

·    2002

Contract with Alphamosaic  in UK
Contract with RFMD in USA

·    2005

Contract with Siport in USA

·    2006

Contract with Synaptics in USA

·    2007

Contract with BOSCH sensortec in Germany

·    2010

Contract with LIME microeletronics  in UK

·    2012

Contract with WISPRY in USA
Contract with CN innovations in HongKong

·    2015

Contract with CiIRRUS ‌in USA
Contract with SANA  in HongKong

·    2016

Contract with DECAWAVE in Ireland

·    2017

Contract with SOUTHCHIP  in China

·    2019

Contract with BOSCH Automotive electronics  in Germany

·    2024

Contract with JonDeTech Sensors AB in Sweden
Contract with Kandou Bus SA in Switzerland